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diasah dari otak miss kepoh ditaip pada 10/09/2010 0 comment

it's new year already?
school is 'bout 2 start...
new journey is about 2 begin...
so ape erk tahon nie nyer azam?
my azam k?
i have 2 persuade my mom2 buy me a polaroid film camera!!
not just any polaroid film butFUJUFILM instanx mini 7!!!
so cute!!!
mcm minzy 2ne1 punyer!!
i'm like addicted 2 it by just watching it already!!!
price:RM248 (accoding 2 the colors)
p/s:mamposlarh if korunk nk ckp aq ketinggalan
zaman ke ape i dont care!!
sbb dat thing is damn cute!!!
borink nyer....
ade h/w tpi malas nk wat...
let's babbling til i'm tired...
first 2 all sekar's fan...
sorry 2 say this but i hate that drama....
dah meleret dah...
i don't know y u ppl luv that drama???
mcm x de ending...
that's y i hate indonesian drama..
ske panjang kn cerite...
the heroin always cry like hell...
such a crybaby...
every epi msti nanges...
mcm sekar...
ending dier aq bleh bce dri awal...
nenek aq tgh tgk cite nie skang...
heroin dier like begging....
nk dpt kn kerja...
pastu nanges dpn org 2...
very unprofesional...
ok enough with the sekar...
what ever aq ckp...
no hard feeling 2 indonesia fan...
nor indonesia...
i'm sorry...
coz aq bkn indonesia fan...
p/s:recently aq practised editing photo...
dkt picnik yeah aq dh addicted dgn picnik just like
aq addicted 2 korean
ade h/w tpi malas nk wat...
let's babbling til i'm tired...
first 2 all sekar's fan...
sorry 2 say this but i hate that drama....
dah meleret dah...
i don't know y u ppl luv that drama???
mcm x de ending...
that's y i hate indonesian drama..
ske panjang kn cerite...
the heroin always cry like hell...
such a crybaby...
every epi msti nanges...
mcm sekar...
ending dier aq bleh bce dri awal...
nenek aq tgh tgk cite nie skang...
heroin dier like begging....
nk dpt kn kerja...
pastu nanges dpn org 2...
very unprofesional...
ok enough with the sekar...
what ever aq ckp...
no hard feeling 2 indonesia fan...
nor indonesia...
i'm sorry...
coz aq bkn indonesia fan...
p/s:recently aq practised editing photo...
dkt picnik yeah aq dh addicted dgn picnik just like
aq addicted 2 korean
diasah dari otak miss kepoh ditaip pada 12/10/2009 2 comment
Comeback Entry 4 dis month!!
It's been so long since i make acomeback!!!
Get it??
dh lme x post entry since kwon ji yonge...
cuz every tyme nk tulis entry my mind goes blank...
after that tros exit TAB...
stupid rite??
No wonder i got an E 4 my BM test paper...
trok kn???
yeah i admit its kinda embarassing u know??
got an E 4 malay test paper and i myself are malay!!!
memalukn negara sndiri..
anyway its my fault....
4 always sleeping in da class...
borink tau x dengar psl literature and komsas...
and urghh!!!
the teacher herself...
like ______
and then mrh2 org cuz cannot answer question...
it's not my teacher yg ajar bm..
but the one who teach me english...
english was like my faveret language besides korea
and i'm really into learning the language...
but becoz of cre dier m'ngajar english...
yg m'buatkn aq malas nk blajar...
atleast i got B for english..
no good 4 me..
anyway i'm going 2 study hard next year..
diasah dari otak miss kepoh ditaip pada 12/01/2009 1 comment
Kwon Ji Yong <3

addicted 2 koreans!!!
i mean too addicted!!!
but the only one who's in my heart is....
kwon ji yong...
he's too cute...
i almost lost my breath...
seeing him smile!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p/s: there's 2 many of his pictures that
i'm 2 lazy too upload it!!!
diasah dari otak miss kepoh ditaip pada 10/21/2009 3 comment
korang tgk x?
header aq yg bru?
ada ckp "cerita ifa&DIA"
well maksudnyer...
cerita aku & diri aku yg laen...
aku lar 2...
heh 1st time ltk gamba aq pki spec..
dh lmew aq pki cme x nk ltk kali nie aq ltk...
Fuih!banyaknyer habuk!!!
berhabuk aq tengok bugger nie...
yerla nie sume adik aq punyer pasal...
x pasal-pasal aq kene tempias...
takleh bkak internet...
sebab dier Upsr(tpi bkak jugak..shhh!!)
Oh no!!!!
apernyer "tidak"?
mp4 aku hilang...
sedey aq carik 1 rumah x jumper...
mesti mama nyorokkan...
x mungkin...
bibik curi?
x baek buruk sangka....
habis kat ane???
Help me!!!
Tah paper tah entry kali nie agk "crazy"
sbb tgh malam aq wat....
kemas rumah...nak raya...
aq ucapkan...
selamat hari raya aidilfitri...
jangan luper!!!
bagi aq duit raya!!!
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